Saturday, September 24, 2022

Terrier Breeds – Top 10 Popular Terrier Dogs

Training Your Terrier

 Training Your Terrier Dog: A Terrier Anti-Terror Basics

It is essential to have a dog that knows how to follow the right rules and how to live around your house. To achieve this, dog training must be considered.

Most people think that training a dog is hard and expensive. Moreover, dog training requires a lot of patience and creativity for your dog. We have to remember that dogs may be intelligent but they can not be as intelligent as us. The article provides some of the basic things dog owners need to know so they can do the training themselves. However, to maximize the full potential of your dog, a dog trainer should be hired instead. 

What are the differences between a submissive dog and a dominant dog?

A submissive dog normally:

avoids eye contact. 

rolls on its back.

crouch down, ears back and tail lowered. 

is comfortable on its back in your arms.

On the other hand, a dominant dog:

maintains eye contact. 

is unwilling to move from his place on the couch. 

dislikes grooming and petting. 

is possessive of dishes and toys. 

Training your silky terriers requires kindness and consistency. Silkys respond actively to praises and to rewards. In addition, they become harsh and unresponsive towards punishments and animosity, respectively. 

Trainings with obedience classes can be intensely beneficial in petting your silky terriers. In many dog training schools, classes for puppies are available. Young dogs are taught to get accustomed with other dogs and people using limited trainings. However, there are areas that do not conduct formal obedience training unless the dog is at least half a year old. Always remember that a dog is never too old to benefit from training when a good trainer is available, or if the owner is fully committed to the task.  

Here are the recommended ways of training silky terriers:

1. Reiteration or Repetition

Reiteration is the name of the dog training game. In here, dogs are asked to do a task over and over again to achieve mastery. Dog tricks are best learned when reiterated and reinforced through rewards. 

2. Persistence

Patience is a virtue that requires you to tolerate hardships. Persistence is trying to be patient for a longer time until a goal is achieved. Apparently, dog training requires a lot of persistence from the owner or from the trainer Physical and psychological aspects of the owner and/or the trainer must be sound. 

3. Commendation and Amendation  

Simply put, if a dog does the right thing, it should be said aloud. Otherwise, the dog should hear, "No, that's not it!" when the trick is not complete or appropriate for the command given. These words reinforce correct responses and diminish the unwanted ones.

4. Rewarding 

Bits of cheese would really be good treats for dogs who responded correctly to a given command. Other food can be bought at pet sores. However, if you are able to get the respect of your pet, commands will be executed even if there are no longer involved treats. Likewise, these things reinforce warranted responses.

If your lifestyle permits being in charge of training your own pet, you can do the training as long as you have gathered enough patience and commitment by:

    1. spending time grooming your dog. 

    2. having regular training times on the leash. 

    3. stroking its belly and toes and rolling it on its back 

    4. hand feeding some food to ensure that the pet is taking treats gently and slowly. 

In asserting dominance, always practice consistency and firmness. Afterwards, you can be a master and a dear friend to your own pet.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Australian Terrier - TOP 10 Interesting Facts

Terrier Dogs: Various Types

Whatever your dog preference is, you are sure to find terrier dogs among the candidates for a pal. You’ll get energy you want with little grooming and added wit.

Basically bred for hunting and killing vermin, Terrier dogs are now known to offer wide spectrum of features and characters that you might find lovable. They are not as cuddly as toy dogs (while there are some terrier dogs in the toy and companion dog brackets) and they may not be as intelligent like other breeds but they set off these lacks with various things that only they can offer.

Let us discuss in brief some of the terrier dog types that you may find interesting:

Less aggressive but definitely not timid. This best describes Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. They are definitely alert and very spirited, but when the call for steadiness arrives, they are sure to show you some air of confidence and steady disposition. 

This dog type too is gifted with intelligence which makes them very responsive with obedience training. 

Parson Russell Terrier is a dog type that exhibits boldness, cleverness, affection and exuberant disposition. While many may find this a playful pal, it is still not advisable for everyone to take Parson Russell home. In fact, formal obedience training is a must for owners since this dog type is more likely to display mischievousness and too much playfulness that make this a very independent pet. For people with active lifestyles and those who can tolerate explorative disposition, this scamp is the best for you.

The Norwich Terrier, on the other hand, is a type of dog that resulted from breeding small Terriers with other smaller breeds, possibly Yorkshire Terriers. Maintenance of Norwich Terrier is minimal and they are content with modest living quarters. They have active disposition though and can be affectionate and fearless. Additionally, they are also known to display stocky and happy personalities which make them ideal pals.

Much like the Norwich Terriers, Norfolk Terriers are also well-spirited, fearless, charming and always ready for game. While both may have some similar physical characteristics, Norfolks can still be distinguished through their folds in the ears.

Basically workman-like dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers are excellent watchdogs and work well in farm settings. This dog got its name from its blue-shade coat color which was originally black during puppyhood.

Wire Fox Terriers are of great interest since they display power through its excellent endurance capabilities and speed. Alertness and quick movements are the dominant expressions of this dog type. It is advisable though that the owner trains this dog and should be given enough doses of daily exercises.

Meanwhile, Smooth Fox Terriers are the frolic and lively types of dogs that are ideal in both country and city living. Displaying intelligence and cleverness, this dog makes good trainees and must be well credited by that. They are also likely to show great affection towards their owners.

These are just some of the many terrier dog types that can be considered as your next pets. In general, this dog type has good dispositions and makes ideal home pets. While some may display obscure aggressiveness, this still does not negate the fact that most types have the capacity to develop affection and keen expression of their attachment to their owners. Be warned though that some dog types in this breed can be very playful and should be given enough amount of attention and time during obedience training and exercises. 

Monday, September 19, 2022


Silky Terrier as Pet

 Some Facts about Silky Terrier Pet Dogs

Dogs have always been man’s best friend. Nowadays, however, human-canine relations have been rather strained mainly because of apartment living. Many people today live in condominiums or apartment building where pets aren’t allowed. Because of this, people realize that they either need to get another place or to get one of the robot dogs that many companies are selling today. There is, however, an alternative –many people today are getting “toy” pet dos like silky terriers.

These “toy” dogs are the way to go if you want the warmth and companionship of a pet dog without the hassles. In this article, we are going to discuss the many virtues of having a silky terrier pet dog.

One of the best characteristics of the silky terrier is its coat. If you have a silky terrier pet dog, the first thing you will notice about is the way that it coat shines. A silky terrier’s coat is actually where it gets the name from since its coat is straight and silky. One of the main reasons why dogs aren’t allowed in apartment buildings is because of fur shedding. Some dogs have the tendency to shed their coats and leave clumps of fur lying around the house. This can be very messy if not outright disgusting.

One of the virtues of having a silky terrier pet dog is the fact that its coat really doesn’t shed. This means that people can be sure that their pet dog does not leave a furry mess when it explores a room. Thus, your carpeting is safe from dog fur.

Naturally alert and friendly, the silky terrier can make an excellent watchdog because of its terrier nature. It is friendly, but a silky terrier pet dog can be quite possessive with their family. It does not really like to be left alone for long periods of time and would behave their best when someone is always home with it.

One thing you need to keep silky terriers as pet dogs is commitment. The coat of the silky terrier is prone to matting and tangles, which means that you need to brush it regularly. It also needs to be shampooed regularly in order to maintain the shine of the coat. Care should also be taken with the throat sine a silky terrier pet dog has especially sensitive trachea. You see how much attention a silky terrier pet dog requires?

Training can also be quite a challenge since a silky terrier pet dog may be difficult to housebreak. People who own one agree that it takes a lot of energy to properly train a silky terrier pet dog. A silky terrier pet dog, however, will do well in training if a choke collar is not used. The trainer needs to be firm but just to the animal.

A silky terrier pet dog can also be full of energy. This means that you need to constantly keep it occupied with activities. Boredom is one of the enemies of the silky terrier pet dog. It likes to be given the chance to run and play but it also is very suitable for an apartment. You also need to keep a silky terrier pet dog occupied socially. 

A silky terrier pet dog may be a handful, but it is perfect if you want a little ball of fun to keep you company. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Jack Russell Terrier | Dogs 101 Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier: The Happy Terrier

We basically want to find companions who would give us most of the benefits we think we need. Well, if you are looking for a dog that is somewhat a one-in-package pal, you might find Jack Russell Terriers interesting enough.

This dog has a history that is somehow loomed to give rise to the specie. 

It was said that the breeder of this dog, a young Theologian student of Oxford University named John Russell once met a milkman with a white terrier that has spots on his eyes and ears. This dog became his interest which later proved to be his foundation for breeding a new dog breed that many has learned to love as pets. The dog he first saw was named "Trump" from which another 60 types of terriers were later bred from. 

With a terrier's basic nature to go on and over the ground (terrier by the way came from the Latin term "terra" which means earth), Jack Russell terriers also have the disposition to hunt and scour for hunting. Thus, they should be given enough grooming so as to set off the dirt they gather from digging soil to either bury a treasure or to recover a hidden treasure kept long ago.

An excellent ratter, Jack Russell Terriers proves to be good "housekeepers" since they keep most rats away from home. Any unlucky rat that happens to be inside the quarters of this terrier is sure to meet its instant doom. Thus, owners find themselves with both a dog and cat in one pal.

One basic character of this dog is its disposition towards strangers. They can easily figure out who must be kept away from their homes and who can be accepted inside the house. This very attitude also makes them good watchdogs. They were designed specifically to be aggressive on preys. And while they can be very vocal, many of them only barks when they find good reason to. 

They do not appear vicious though. But once they smell threat, they can show off aggressiveness that could serve as warning towards the strangers. However, once the stranger is let into the house by the owner, a Jack Russell can already tolerate his or her presence.

This terrier is also a family dog and desires for human companionship. And their love for children is significantly interesting. However, once they are abused or had been shown improper treatments, may it be intentional or accidental, they can react through aggressive behaviors. Their aggressiveness is further manifested with their lack of fear towards larger dogs which can unfortunately lead to injuries, some can even be fatal.

They are also marked for their intelligence and good spirit. These characteristics can be highly observable through their curiosity in things. Thus, they require supplementation on formal training unless you can tolerate difficult behaviors. The good thing though with Jack Russell is that it can acknowledge training and do well in most of them. In fact, they are known to champion various ring shows and other similar competitions. 

The Hollywood has recognized the disposition of these dogs too. Coupled with feisty and good physical characteristics, this pal has already made names in the screens. If Wishbone, Milo (from The Mask) and Eddie (from the Frasier) ring the bell on you then there is no doubt that you can recognize this dog.

Jack Russell fair well with grooming. A dog of relatively small size, this breed will not tax you with grooming needs.